
In modern web development, you’ll almost never write vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build your websites. Web developers learn a view framework that helps them to better structure their code with components and also optimize the way in which components are rendered and how changes to the state of the application affect what the users see. The most popular web development framework is React with a wide margin compared to Vue.js. React was originally developed by the Facebook team, but was open-sourced early on and now it has thousands of contributors and many full-time maintainers who are constantly pushing the framework forward.

Most of the user interfaces for blockchain applications are programmed using React and there are many React component libraries that you can reuse from the community to perform common tasks like logging with an Ethereum wallet, switching networks, and also so-called React hooks libraries (i.e. eth-hooks) which let you fetch different data like balance, block number, prices and more.

I believe that React is best learned from the official documentation, but there are also other resources for people that learn better with video content. Here is a list of React learning resources that I recommend:

After you feel like you’ve understood how React works, you have learned about lifecycle methods, hooks, how to pass down data through props, how to use the Context API, etc. I recommend trying to build the front end of a web3 app like Uniswap or an NFT marketplace like OpenSea. To rapidly prototype the design I recommend using tailwind.css and Chrome browser developer tooling to inspect the styles of the site you’re trying to recreate. Also, don’t forget to use CSS flexbox/grid where necessary. Try to simulate the data inside of these apps using hardcoded JSON objects.